How to start investing from scratch in a time of war?
Together with an experienced investor Olena Shameko, we are talking about investments and finding additional income during the war in Ukraine. We will learn how to save our money and increase it despite any complicating circumstances.

During the war time "being at zero" can be meaning of the frontline zone, but can also mean having two children and just one bag with documents. But even in this situation, you can find international financial assistance programs and grants.
Let's look at a different situation. A person consciously decides to invest and has to choose actions that lead to an increase in profit. This person also needs information on this topic, right?
Where to start if you decide to invest during the war?
1. Make an audit of all your possible assets.
- Even revamping your own home and putting things on sale that you no longer use will result in additional money for investment.
- Exchange your gold jewelry for money.
- Use your real and personal property as much as possible to get additional money for investments (renting an apartment or land plot, etc.).
Don't wait for the right moment - standby mode won't make your life easier.
2. Consider investing with zero investment.
For example, investing in cryptocurrency. For being active on the exchange (putting likes and spreading information about coins), you can earn money that will grow in value over time, and you will make a profit.
3. Invest in new skills. Learn the type of activity that you think can support you in the future. There are many free online training programs available nowadays.
For example, when real estate investments are not profitable during the war, learn trading (cryptocurrency investments) or profitable IT-related professions.
4. Look for grant programs that will help you start your business or revive a business that was lost due to the war.
Don't just sit there and do nothing! Get out of the victim vibe, accept the fact that your life has changed, and act!
5️. If you are a military man, take advantage of a preferential mortgage and invest in real estate. You and your family will have a good additional passive income from renting the property after the tenants payments help you to pay off the mortgage.
Find a good mortgage realtor who will help you choose a liquid property.
6. Invest in the right environment, where people support new beginnings rather than discourage new ideas.
The most important is
Keep the fire of faith in yourself and in your strength. We, Ukrainians, are much stronger than we think. Ukraine is already a symbol of Freedom, Will, Steadfastness and Courage - keep this status in your personal life!
Investor with 8 years of experience in real estate and cryptocurrency investments Elena Shameko.
Olena provides free consultations to the military and their families. She can help you find a realtor in many cities.