9 important questions to ask when dramatizing a situation
At least once in their lives, everyone faces a sense of hopelessness and the inability to cope with negative emotions. How can you quickly come to your senses and stop dramatizing? 9 questions you need to ask yourself inside to do this.

Dramatization is a companion to fear, based on the belief that it is impossible to solve the problem and that a person has no way of influencing the course of events. Those who are clearly aware of the limits of their strength understand that a problem exists only when they can do something to solve it, otherwise they can only accept the current state of affairs.
If a person systematically, automatically, and unreasonably dramatizes the situation, focuses on the negative, and devalues the positive, there is an effective way to overcome negative thoughts. In fact, all you need to do is try to answer yourself:
- What negative thought do I want to overcome?
- What is the evidence that I am thinking correctly? What is the evidence that I am wrong?
- Is there an alternative explanation for what is happening to me?
- What is the worst-case scenario if my negative opinion is correct? Will I be able to survive it?
- What is the best option?
- Which option is the most realistic?
- What would I say to a friend if they were in my shoes?
- What will happen to me if I continue to believe that my negative thoughts are correct? What would happen if I explained the situation to myself more realistically?
- What can I do in this situation?
If the negative thought does not disappear after these questions, you need to put it aside. Moreover, there is a version that it is impossible to get rid of an obsessive thought - the more you try to push it away, the more often it appears. However, you can make a deal. Try saying to yourself: "I will think about it later" or "I will think about all my troubles every day for one hour from 12 pm to 1 pm."
Sit down and think. This is possible only at first, then the far-fetched starts to seem absurd.
In addition, you can fight negative thoughts with physical work - try to switch from thought to action: go in for sports, take a walk. A favorite hobby is also a great way to help.

The material was prepared by
psychologist of the Charitable Foundation "PEACE FOR THE FUTURE"
Natalia Lukashuk
e-mail: psy.bypeace@gmail.com