A letter to myself 10 years from now.
Moving forward (writing a letter to your future self)

As the war goes on. How to find a way to cope with depressive thoughts and body aches? How to find an incentive to live on, eat, move, and plan?
Many Ukrainians now ask themselves:
"What if... won't come? How to deal with losing a loved one? How to deal with physical problems inflicted by the war? What if this situation will go on for years?"
When the usual "sense of security" are knocked out (and many have already lost their roof, work, loved ones), it is very difficult to move on, to go back to formal life.
Today, in our self-help section, we will share resource-forming techniques that are very simple and effective at the same time.
Technique "Letter to yourself"
By just talking 20 minutes in silence and take a piece of paper and a pen. Start writing, attentively and with love for yourself. Be sure to start with a greeting and choose words that will be closest to your heart.
For example, like this: "Hello my dear Nadia, I am writing you a letter from the past...".
You can continue with a description of your current experiences, writing out on paper everything that has accumulated in your heart. Talk about how your days go by, how you feel, who you surrounds you. The more detailed the better, be honest.
Next, go on to describe what you plan to do when the war ends. How all your loved ones and relatives will remain in good health, and that it will be in no time. Dream, savor the details of favorable circumstances.
This is very important to do with all the details and depth. It is necessary to write down the feeling of lightness, release. Once you're done writing the letter you should set a date and seal the envelope.
According to the rules of good manners, such letters are not meant to be re-read, they are stored in secluded places, and they should only be opened when all the bad things have ended.
Dear readers, the war will end someday. Let's dream about it together and prepare ourselves for a new happy, peaceful life.
The technique has a cathartic (liberating) effect, it can help children just as much as an adult. Children can do a dream drawing.