Self-analysis when working with OH Cards cards
Let's conduct a self-analysis using the OH cards technique. Complete the practical tasks in the article step by step. Allocate from 30 minutes to 2 hours to work through the practice and get results.

We've already covered the topic of working with metaphorical association maps (OH Cards) once, and today we'll continue it (for those who want to recall the details of the material, you can read the post here).
Let me remind you that we will be talking about special pictures used for psychological counseling and psychotherapy, psychodiagnostics and psychocorrection.
Part 1
Here are a few images from the Cope deck (by Egethmeyer Moritz), take a look at them carefully and choose the one that best suits your thoughts and feelings at the moment to work with your subconscious.

Analyze the image using the questions below and write your answers in your notebook:
1. What do you see on the map?
2. What do you feel when you look at the map? What thoughts and emotions come to mind?
3. What on the map attracts attention? Why?
4. What do you not like about the map? Why?
5. Do you see yourself on the map? It can be one of the characters, an inanimate object, a color, or you can be an outside observer.
6. How does this or that character on the map feel? What does it want to do? The character can be inanimate, such as a tree or a toy.
7. What could the character tell or advise you?
8. What does this card say about you? About your situation?
9. What is in the picture that you didn't notice?
10. What conclusions can you draw?
Part 2
In the first part of the article, you were asked to choose one of the cards (the one that best matches your thoughts and feelings at the moment) and work through it with the help of questions. Now choose another image from the carousel that you think is the most pleasant and desirable.

Analyze the card using the questions you already know and write your answers in your notebook:
1. What do you see on the map?
2. What do you feel when you look at the map? What thoughts and emotions come to mind?
3. What on the map attracts attention? Why?
4. What do you not like about the map? Why?
5. Do you see yourself on the map? It can be one of the characters, an inanimate object, a color, or you can be an outside observer.
6. How does this or that character on the map feel? What does it want to do? The character can be inanimate, such as a tree or a toy.
7. What could the character tell or advise you?
8. What does this card say about you? About your situation?
9. What is in the picture that you didn't notice?
10. What conclusions can you draw?
After that, compare the selected cards (#1 and #2), track what they have in common and what they differ in. This self-analysis will help you invent a new, more productive vector of behavior to achieve your goals.
The material was prepared by a psychologist of the Charitable Foundation "PEACE FOR THE FUTURE"
Natalia Lukashuk