Save a Soldier's Sight. The project continues!
A successful case. How we raised millions of hryvnias for medical devices to help wounded Ukrainian soldiers with vision restoration surgeries.

Every day we lose our boys and girls in fierce battles at the front in a terrible and ruthless war. The real figures of losses from Russian aggression - human lives, destruction, damage - Ukrainians will have to learn and comprehend in the future, but there are those who have gone through hell and survived.
Among them are many young soldiers who have damaged or lost their eyes from explosions, wounds and shrapnel, which hits the eyes with incredible speed even at a great distance.

The Save Sight for Vysokiy project was created to give wounded soldiers a second chance to see.
Having learned that the Dokol eye clinic in Dnipro performs very complex surgeries to save the eyesight of our soldiers who get there directly from the front line, we decided to open a large fundraiser to support special equipment and medical supplies for them.

The special equipment used in the Dokol clinic for operations of such complexity is unique and there are only 4 similar copies in Ukraine! It is very expensive to conduct technical inspections for this equipment, but doctors continue to work and ensure the quality of this equipment despite the huge workload and number of operations 24/7.

We are not alone in this project! We were lucky enough to find partners in the 03:00 Foundation and their incredible Museum in the Dark "03:00", who donate the profits from ticket sales to the museum for this fundraising and help us purchase the necessary supplies for our operations. We are very grateful to our partners for their indifference and invite other business owners to join the charitable projects of our or any other foundation, because only together we can achieve victory!

During the 9 months of fruitful cooperation, we have purchased deficit components worth UAH 2,212,528, performed more than 120 surgeries and saved the eyesight of more than 114 people. The project continues on an ongoing basis and each of you can join in and support it by donating, distributing or volunteering!